
Getting Your Makeup Done During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Getting Your Makeup Done During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Let's face it, the pandemic has changed the way we live, work, learn and even look. Gone are the days when you could walk up to your favorite cosmetics store counter (MAC, Sephora, Ulta, NYX, you name it!) and get a full face glam on a Saturday afternoon at the mall. But, with proper precautions, you can still get your makeup done safely and look gorge without breaking the bank. See our tips below!

  1. Ensure your makeup artist wears his/her mask and ask that they wear gloves when doing your makeup.
  2. Purchase your own brushes! A full set of brushes can range anywhere from $4 to $10 USD at most local drug stores.
  3. Skip a trip to the eyebrow lady breathing all over your mask and instead use an eyebrow brush, filler and concealer to shape those bad boys.
  4. Use makeup sponges instead of foundation brushes. These are disposal and super affordable.
  5. Bring your own makeup wipes for your makeup artist to clean up any fall offs.
  6. Bring your own makeup! Yes, your makeup artist can use your foundation, eyeshadow palette, cheek palette, and still make you look like a glowing goddess. Don’t have any makeup? Enter Instagram giveaways to win free makeup. hint* our giveaways rock and people DO win!
  7. Bring your own sharpener to clean any pencil eyeliner or lipliner that your makeup artist uses.
  8. Bring rubbing alcohol to clean eyeliner and lipstick if your makeup artist uses these items from their case.

Most makeup artists would be willing to comply with these requests, especially if safety and cleanliness are their top priorities – which it should be, especially during these times. Share your experience with your makeup artist by leaving a review for him/her on our website! Also, if you have any other tips and tricks, please share below. We’d love to hear more!

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